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Stop nail biting and stress induced habits with Hypnotherapy.

How can you stop biting your nails? Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to help you control the urges and triggers that lead to biting your nails. It`s a bad habit that you can get under control quickly and effectively.

How Can Hypnotherapy Help Me Stop Biting Nails?

Onychophagia, or biting one's nails, can be a momentary habit that does little harm. It can nevertheless progress into a severe, ongoing issue for some people. In that situation, the condition appears as a persistent, seemingly uncontrolled urge to bite one's fingernails and the tissue around them.

Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to help you stop biting nails.

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Resetting the unconscious habits

You've probably already realized that you are not intentionally biting your nails. This is due to the unconscious portion of your mind continuing to support the habit. Hypnotherapy for stopping nail biting works closely with your unconscious mind to alter this instinctive behavior so you can have the strong, healthy nails you've always wanted. Thankfully, once the nails stop being bit, they normally grow pretty nicely, and the effects can be seen in a few weeks.


Hypnotherapy is an adjunctive technique that makes use of hypnosis to help cure particular symptoms or medical issues. In order to experience detached outward attention and to concentrate on internal experiences, hypnotherapy induces a hypnotic state characterized by waking awareness. It`s a perfectly safe form of therapy conducted in a quiet, comfortable and extremely calm environment. Your safety and comfort is my top priority.

Initial hypnotic relaxation

By calming down the frontal cortex's activity, hypnotherapy's initial relaxation component gets things started. Reduced activity in this part of the brain, which is essential for planning and making decisions, increases activity in other parts of the brain that are involved in information integration and filtering. We become more receptive to information, suggestible, and capable of inducing more powerful mental feelings. It`s highly effective.

What Causes Nail Biting?

Onychophagia may have a genetic component as certain individuals seem to inherit a propensity for BFRBs as well as higher than usual rates of mood and anxiety problems among close relatives. Nail-biting is usually linked to anxiety since it is believed that doing so reduces stress, tension, and boredom. People who bite their nails on a regular basis frequently claim that they do it when they are anxious, bored, lonely, or even hungry.

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Nail Biting and Stress

The habit of biting your nails is typically connected to feelings of tension, fear, and anxiety in the mind, and it aids in alleviating some of this stress. Sometimes the habit of biting your nails started as a child when you may have done so to relieve tension and strain at home or school. Stopping nail biting using Hypnotherapy starts at the same place as all treatments. We need to understand what triggers your nail biting and the root causes so we can reverse engineer negative through processes.

Nail Biting Pleasure

Nail biting provides a perceived sense of relief.  Commonly known as Onychophagia, it has both psychological and physical symptoms often resulting in harm to the surrounding skin, cuticles, and fingernails. Onychophagia is a tense behavior that is frequently accompanied by anxiety and stress. By literally chewing over your ideas and eating yourself up, you are attempting to deal with whatever is troubling you. Hypnotherapy can help you stop biting nails. Book a 15-minute call today.

Nail Biting Guilt

As with all fleeting 'quick fixes' to stress we are often left with feelings of embarrassment and shame once we come to our senses. Nail biting destroys that natural look of the nail and with severe cases tears the skin and tissue around the nail. this can lead to a bloodied, injured look often leaving us with unsightly painful looking nails. It`s crucial to stop biting nails because it leaves us with more problems than we began with leading to more negative emotions and induced stress.

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How To Stop Your Child From Biting Nails

Most kids naturally pick up the innocent practice of biting their nails as they get older. Most children eventually break this behavior on their own, but some continue it into their adolescent and adult years. Between the ages of 10 and 18, about 50% of kids bite their nails. Even if it is a bothersome habit, parents must identify the root causes and assist their children in overcoming them.

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Comfort Nail Biting Kids

It's normal for infants and toddlers to suck their thumbs to calm themselves. When kids are playing or alone, it gives them comfort. A modified version of thumb-sucking called nail-biting emerges as children get older. Children and even teenagers will thus bite their nails since it is calming. You can stop your kids biting their nails early by making them aware of it and teaching them new habits to control their urges to do so.

Routine Clippings

Trimming your kids nails is a good way to minimize their urge to bite them. Clip and file their nails every week, so there are no rough edges that tempt them to gnaw at it. Girls can have their nails done at a salon, so it looks all shiny and pretty. The attention and pampering her nails get can keep her from biting them again. By showing kids that their nails look good consistently this will deter them from biting their nails and chewing their skin.

Distractions and Fun

You can keep your child from biting their nails by having fun and keeping them distracted. If your child chews his or her nails out of boredom or habit, busy their hands with something fun to play with. Something like silly putty, slime or even a stress ball can keep them distracted enough to not chew. Chewing the skin and cuticles is often another habit formed when biting nails and this can also be stopped through being kept busy.

A simple yet powerful way to break a bad habit.

Psychiatrist Judson Brewer investigates the connection between mindfulness and addiction, including smoking, binge eating, and all the other harmful behaviors we engage in while knowing they are terrible for us. Discover a straightforward yet effective strategy that might help you resist your next impulse to smoke, munch, or read a text while driving by learning more about how habits form.

Read the full article here!

Hypnotherapy For Nail Biting FAQs

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Can wearing nail polish stop me biting my nails?

    Yes. Even though not a long-term solution, nail polish often discourages you from biting your nails because they ruin your nails and has an extremely unpleasant taste.

  • Is biting my nails linked to anxiety and stress?

    Yes. It`s related to either being under-stimulated or overstimulated. When bored and lacking routine we can resort to nail biting. When we are anxious or stressed we bite our nails to self-soothe and take our minds off of what is bothering us.

  • How can hypnotherapy help me stop nail biting?

    Through Hypnosis you can stop biting your nails. Hypnotherapy helps to reset your mental triggers by exploring what causes them and how you can actively discipline yourself to stop biting your nails. 

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